Children In Worship
Transitional Worship for Elementary Aged Kids
We love having children in worship! Worship bags are available just outside the sanctuary, in the Narthex corner. We encourage children to sit with their families and feel free to get a good seat, up-close so they can see.
Each Sunday (except the first Sunday of the month), children are invited up to the front for Time With Young Disciples–a message just for them.
Children learn from watching others and it takes practice to learn how to worship. The St. Mark congregation promises to support them as they learn.
We know children will not always be quiet and they will need to wiggle. It’s okay. We understand, parents may want to give them a little more freedom for such noise and movement. If so, we have Transitional Worship available following Time With Young Disciples each Sunday.
If you’d like your elementary children to attend Transitional Worship, please allow them to sit with you in the sanctuary for the beginning of worship. Following Time With Young Disciples. meet your children just outside the sanctuary and sign them in for Transitional Worship. The group will then head to the Parlor (located down the hallway near the restrooms, across from the church office). The students will be back in the sanctuary for the final song/hymn.