Worship Services
Join us for worship each Sunday at 10:30 am in the sanctuary or live streamed on YouTube.
Visit the Adult Christian Education and Children’s Christian Education pages to learn more about classes and small groups. Nursery care is available from 9 am to Noon.
Worship in the Presbyterian Church is considered the highest and best of human endeavors, the thing for which we were all made. Worship orients and reorients our lives around the living Lord; it draws worshipers together in the body of Christ. Worship is the central thing the church does from which flow all the Church’s ministries: education, small groups, outreach, pastoral care, prayer support, congregational life, stewardship of time, talent and resources, and all the others.
Since the beginning of Covid-19 restrictions in March 2020, St. Mark has had only one service of worship. Currently that service is held both in person and livestreamed at 10:30 am Sunday mornings. It is also available online throughout the week. The service alternates between featuring traditional or more contemporary orders of worship and music.
We welcome you to worship with us, whether in person or online. Our prayer is that you find the service to be one that blesses you, that draws you into a deeper relationship with God and into a community of faith you could call your own.
May God’s richest blessings be yours.
St. Mark is a praying church with an active prayer chain.
Click here to join or to submit prayer requests.