Outreach: Mission & Evangelism
The Outreach Ministry of St. Mark seeks to encourage and facilitate the efforts of the congregation in spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ and extending the hand of justice, mercy and compassion in his name throughout the world.
Outreach Ministry NEWS FLASH!

Outreach Ministry Mission
- Blessing in a Backpack receives our financial support to provide food for impoverished elementary school children on the weekends throughout the school year.
- Center for Refugee Services receives our financial support to help vulnerable and underserved, legally resettled refugee families in the San Antonio area, including the hill country.
- Compassion in Action (CIA)
meets twice monthly at the church making turbans and heart pillows for cancer patients, baby layettes for new mothers, lap quilts and shawls for the homebound and many other projects.
- Habitat for Humanity: Members help with home construction in Kerrville.
- Hill Country Daily Bread Ministries receive our financial and volunteer support, and support for several specific food & clothing drives throughout the year.
- Hill Country Family Services receives financial support and partnership from St. Mark in caring for our most vulnerable in the Boerne community.
- Hill Country Mission for Health receives our financial support to provide healthcare for low income, underinsured adults in Kendall County.
- Hill Country Pregnancy Care receives financial support and St. Mark supports their annual fundraising gala.
Jericho: Adults with special needs enjoy their social gathering in the FLC each 2nd and 4th Monday. Here they learn Biblical lessons & share a meal & music with friends.
- Love Kendall County Kids programs improve the quality of life for children and families in our community throughout the year, including the LOVE Kendall County Kids Summer Food Drive.
- Kendall County Women’s Shelter receives financial support and church members volunteer for events.
- Little Free Food Pantry is an on campus free pantry for neighbors in need. It contains a variety of items from soups and peanut butter, to spaghetti sauce and boxes of cereal. Our motto is “Take what you need; give what you can.”
- Salvation Army Angel Tree: Members sponsor Christmas gifts for 80+ children in need from a local elementary school.
- St. Mark Early Learning Center is the church’s community preschool. Outreach provides scholarships for children in need.
- St. Mark Emergency and Family Assistance Fund is for families in our church who are in need.
Regional Missions
Financial support for
- Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Austin TX
- John Knox Ranch, Wimberley TX
- Mo-Ranch, Hunt TX
- Schreiner University, Kerrville TX
- Presbyterian Children’s Home and Services, San Antonio TX
- Presbyterian Pan American School, Kingsville TX
Outreach Ministry Evangelism
Through evangelism, we strive to identify opportunities and needs close to home in the Boerne community where St. Mark can display God’s love and make a physical and spiritual impact. By focusing on community outreach, internal and external engagement and providing support to those in need, we hope to strengthen relationships among St. Mark members and the community and help to address real needs.
The Evangelism Ministry
- Provides opportunities for evangelism to be learned and practiced in and by church members, and actively seeks and supports fellowship opportunities between members and the greater Boerne community.
- Provides scholarships for St. Mark members to participate in events such as the All-Church Retreat at Mo Ranch.
- Supports St. Mark’s annual Vacation Bible School which serves over 130 children ages 4-12 and offers a class for young adults with special needs. Eighty percent or more of the families served through VBS are not church members, while over 50 teen and adult church members volunteer to help each year.

Make A Difference Day 2024 served six of our Outreach Partners on the church campus and in the community. We love being the hands and feet of Christ!

Outreach committee members Wanda Pounders (left) and Toni Hensley in front of St. Mark’s on campus free food pantry for neighbors in need.

Black History Month celebration at St. Mark, on 2/7/2024.

Souper Bowl of Caring 2024 benefitting Hill Country Daily Bread

Proud sponsor of the Kendall County Women’s Shelter Heal the Soul 5K Run 2023. St. Mark members did well!

An intergenerational group of St. Mark missionaries served with New Life Fellowship Church in the Rio Grand Valley during spring break in March 2023..

The 2023 Presbyterian Children’s Home and Services Back to School BBQ was great fun with 9 St. Mark friends in attendance.