Our Dedicated Staff

Rev. Ann Marie Quigley-Swanson, Pastor, Head of Staff

Reverend Ann Marie Quigley-Swanson accepted a call to be the next Pastor/Head of Staff at St. Mark in September, 2021. She graduated from Texas A&M University in 1991 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in speech communication. From there, she attended Union Presbytery Seminary in Richmond, VA, graduating with a Master of Divinity in 1996. Following graduation, Ann Marie served as Associate Pastor of Peace Memorial Presbyterian Church in Clearwater, FL for 4 years. In 2000, she joined the staff at Forest Hill Presbyterian Church in Tampa, FL as their Parish Associate, In 2004 she answered a call to Northwoods Presbyterian Church where she served for 17 years, most recently as Senior Associate Pastor. Ann Marie is married to Pete Swanson, and they have two children, Brandt and Emma. The family has 2 dogs, Cooper and Molly, who keep them active and with whom they share lots of love. Ann Marie has a heart and passion for ministry.  Pastoral care has been the center of her ministry in every setting, and she is excited to get to know the St. Mark family and community.  Sharing in the joys and struggles of people’s lives, and helping point to God’s presence within those, is where she finds meaning and joy.  From leading worship to visiting in hospital rooms, she seeks to bring a sense of God’s love and grace to all.

Angela Grover
Angela Grover, Director of Christian Education & Youth Director
Angela Grover joined St. Mark in July 2014, along with husband, Scott Grover and two sons, Aidan and Alec. She excitedly accepted the position of Director of Christian Education in September of 2015. Adding to her role, January 2018, she became Youth Director as well,  working with the youth of St. Mark as well as adults and children. Angela feels led and equipped by God to support and encourage others, and create exciting ways to study and live out His Word in our church and community. When she is not working, she enjoys time at the gym, crafting, and throwing parties. 
Claudia Beldean, Office Manager
Claudia Beldean joined the St. Mark Staff in January 2022 as office manager. She is available during regular office hours, 9am to 4pm, Monday through Thursday. Claudia was born in Romania and moved to the US at the age of 14.  She lived in California and Oregon and moved to San Antonio in 2008.  She has a bachelor’s degree in Business from Portland State University.  She owned and operated a small assisted living facility for over 10 years.  She now lives in Boerne with her two sons, Nathan and David.
Jennifer Dillard , Financial and Human Resources Associate
Jennifer Dillard joined the St. Mark Staff in January 2025 as the Financial and Human Resources Associate.  Prior to coming to St. Mark, she trained horses and worked on an Arabian Cutting Horse farm in Kerrville.  She owned and operated her own cleaning company for 7 years before moving to Bandera in 2021.  She lives in Kerrville with her 15-year-old son Austin and their pug Gabby.  When she is not working, she is very active in the Women’s Ministry at her church.  She is also an avid puzzle worker and spends her free time with her kids and family.
Mary Beth Thomas, Chancel Choir Director
Mary Beth joined the St. Mark team as Chancel Choir Director in late 2019 after serving as Interim Director for several months. Originally from California, she served as musician/choir director for than 30 years in Air Force Chapels as she traveled with her husband, David. They have three children and four grandchildren. She retired from North East ISD in 2018, having worked in elementary and middle schools as well as Central Office. Retirement didn’t last long as she is now working for the vice president of an educational publishing company. 
Kristine Luisi, Early Learning Center (ELC) Director
Kristine joined the ELC preschool staff in 2007, serving as an assistant teacher, coordinator of programs, and assistant director before being named director in 2016. She is originally from New Jersey and graduated from Rutgers with a degree in Economics. After having children, she earned a Child Development Associate certification at San Antonio College. Kristine and her husband, Jim, live in Fair Oaks Ranch with their three boys. She spends her free time at her sons’ sporting events, and also enjoys reading, cooking and walking. 
Alan Reyes, Sexton
Alan was born in Mexico City, Nationalized in the USA in 2009. Graduated from Northwest Vista Associates in Business (2009), UTSA bachelors in Spanish (2011).  Father of a wonderful daughter, seeker of truth, participant in creative environment, fit/ healthy lifestyle enthusiast, and believes that everything that you do should be out of love.

Julie McCarty, Clerk of Session

Lynne Puckett, Organist

Andy Phillips

CHANCEL CHOIR: (back left to right front) Nalga Mebane, Cindy Bagwell, Stephanie Pate, Bethany Hausmann, Tonya Beilstein, Wally Doppenberg, DeWitt Ragsdale, Steve Crowell, Dave Thomas, Dave Bagwell; Mary Jane Ely, Cathy Merritt, Julie McCarty, Choir Director Mary Beth Thomas, Betty Robertson, Lynn Manzini, Melanie Doppenberg; Sarah Hinman, Pat Anderson, Kim Heinze, Tina Fischer. Not pictured are Pam Brant, Jenny Cashion, Bobbie Pfeil, and Jennifer Spencer.

Praise Team members (l to r) Ron Thompson, Denny Krueger, Brady White, Heather Thompson, Kayla Young, Andy Phillips, and Dave D’Alessio.

Nursery Staff: (L to R) Coordinator Marilyn Bonaguro, Kim Hodge, Sarah Foster, Sydnee Hodge, Kayla Young, and Georgette Hodge